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The Midlife PAUSE™

Join in on a transformative journey to truly understand your metabolic health, so you can FINALLY lose weight, sleep great, have endless energy and be limitless– regardless of age!

lady in floral dress smiling

Educating, Empowering, and Inspiring You to Achieve Your Health and Wellness Goals

I've Been There Too...

I understand the challenges you face as a high-performing woman navigating the complex landscape of health once you hit your late 30s and beyond; that was me.

Now, as a metabolic health and intermittent fasting expert, and nurse practitioner, I'm on a mission to empower women like you to live vibrant and healthy lives.

  • Are you a busy professional woman struggling to prioritize self-care?

  • Have you tried everything but still struggle to maintain your ideal weight, energy balance, and health?

  • Do you find that nothing seems to work now that you're over 30, despite your best efforts?

  • Would you love to sleep through the night and wake up with an abundance of energy to perform at your best every day?

  • Do your diet and exercise efforts yield minimal results, even though your doctors assure you that your tests are normal?

  • Do you constantly feel fatigued, even when you’ve tried to rest and recharge?

Well, this program is your chance to turn things around once and for all. No more dieting, weight struggles, hormonal mysteries, wishing you could sleep through the night, or barely making it through the day on low energy regardless of age or how demanding your life is!

Through 20+ years of research, practical experience, and a deep understanding of the unique struggles we face in this phase of life, I’ve crafted a comprehensive solution to address the root causes of your health challenges. The Midlife PAUSE™ is designed with you in mind, and it’s my life’s work. I have proven protocols for long-term sustainable solutions that will be shared in The Midlife PAUSE™. We will dive deep into the realm of metabolic health, giving you building blocks from day one and all throughout the program to reclaim your body and feel like your best self.

Here’s Why Typical Diet, Exercise, and Health Tricks Stop Working After 30...

As we move through life, our bodies must navigate an increasing array of lifestyle and environmental factors that can disrupt internal imbalances, leading to challenges like weight gain or resistance to weight loss, fatigue, poor sleep, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, and more. 


In essence, our modern lifestyles gradually impact our metabolic health. Metabolic health represents the beautiful and delicate balance between all systems of your body that allow you to thrive or not. 

Your metabolic health serves as the foundation of your overall well-being and influences the success of every health or weight goal you want to achieve. Therefore, it is imperative to take control, not only to thrive but also to break free from the cycle of ups and downs so you can finally achieve REAL sustainable results!

Through 20+ years of research, practical experience, and a deep understanding of the unique struggles we face in this phase of life, I’ve crafted a comprehensive solution to address the root causes of your health challenge. The Midlife PAUSE™ is designed with you in mind, and it’s my life’s work. I have proven protocols for long-term sustainable solutions that will be shared in The Midlife PAUSE™. We will dive deep into the realm of metabolic health, giving you building blocks from day one and all throughout the program to reclaim your body and feel like your best self.

Find Balance in Work and Life

Are you a busy professional woman constantly on the move, juggling work, family, and other commitments, leaving little time for self-care?

If so, you're not alone. Many women face the same challenge of prioritizing other responsibilities over their own well-being, but only to find that it eventually catches up with them. As a busy professional woman who loves to travel the world and be present with my family, I know exactly how to help you find balance and feel like your best self. I've helped many women achieve exactly what you're aiming for, and I'm here to help you do the same. We will implement practical, sustainable solutions that fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle, while maintaining your health, happiness, and productivity.

professional woman petting dog

Sustainable Proven Solutions to Lose Weight, Increase Energy, and Feel Great

Understand the Importance of Sleep

Finding that your tried-and-true sleep remedies just don't do the trick anymore?

You're not alone. Sleep issues can affect us all at some point, and what used to work may no longer be effective. There are solutions that actually work, and you'll learn about them inside this program. We will dive into sleep strategies that allow you to actually sleep through the night and wake up with an abundance of energy to perform at your best every day!

blue bed and nightstand
Achieve Metabolic Flexibility

Have you been diligently following a diet and exercise regimen, yet noticing minimal to no improvements in your health and well-being? Maybe you've even sought medical advice, only to hear that your test results appear normal, which can be disheartening and leave you feeling overlooked.


Together, we will investigate the possible causes for your stagnant progress and dive into how different factors can influence your weight management and overall health. Remember, it's not solely about the numbers on the scale; the deeper repercussions of poor metabolic health, such as chronic illnesses, also warrant attention and consideration. We will uncover the underlying issues and work towards achieving a holistic approach to enhance both your physical and metabolic well-being!

woman smirking in jeans and white shirt on front porch
Eliminate the Norm of Always Feeling Tired

Do you often experience persistent fatigue, even after seemingly adequate hours of sleep?


Fatigue can be quite perplexing and disruptive to your daily routine. However, fret not, as there are underlying reasons for this tiredness, and I'm here to explore them with you. Just like you, many individuals struggle with unexplained tiredness, but understanding the root causes can pave the way for effective solutions. In The Midlife PAUSE™, we will cover the factors contributing to your fatigue and work together towards restoring your energy levels and revitalizing your daily life.

woman petting dogs on couch

"Wow! This has been a great... I've learned so much about myself. I no longer feel controlled by food and cravings. I've learned to do a better job listening to my body and l've been sleeping better in general. When I do slip up or indulge a little I feel empowered for how to get back on track rather than feeling defeated. I haven't weighed myself but my husband says I look like l've lost weight. But more importantly / have more energy and feel much more comfortable in my clothes /especially by jeans!)."

-Anne F.

"I have taken away so many things! Mental clarity - you talked about this but I didn't know what it would feel like! Black coffee and cinnamon??? Me??? Yes please! No afternoon slump - can't tell if I'm happy or sad to miss my afternoon nap. Physical stuff -belly and arms are smaller, lost a few pounds, and tried new workouts. I'm much calmer with my kids."

-Kelly D.

"I have learned to listen to my body, put stress management at the top of my list of daily to do's, and prioritize protein in my meals. I have found throughout this time that by fasting, my mind is not consumed by what my next meal will be. But, I also need to be prepared for those times where I may not be home during my fasting window so I make the better choice."

-Jill W.

A Look Inside The Midlife PAUSE™

The Midlife PAUSE™ was created to empower women like you to take charge of their health, restore their metabolic balance, and wake up each day with energy, purpose, and vibrancy. Through years of research, expertise, and a deep understanding of the unique struggles we face in this phase of life, I’ve crafted a comprehensive solution to address the root causes of your health challenges. This isn’t just another program; it’s your passport to lasting well-being; it will help you lay the foundation to reclaim metabolic health, so you can wake up every morning feeling refreshed and ready to be the driver of your own life.

Over the course of The Midlife PAUSE™ 12- week program for just $997, you will receive a specific metabolic health building module from Cynthia every other week!

Modules include:

  • Module 1: Physiology of Sleep

  • Module 2: Optimizing Sleep

  • Module 3: Nourishing Nutrition

  • Module 4: Power of Protein & Probiotics

  • Module 5: Aligning Your Exercise

  • Module 6: Assessing Stress Impacts

  • Module 7: Stress Reduction Strategies

  • Module 8: Gut Health Changes with Age

  • Module 9: Maximizing Digestion

  • Module 10: Fasting & Metabolic Flexibility


  • Trauma: Exploring Influences of Life Experiences

  • Toxins: Tackling Toxins & How They Show Up In Your Life

You will also receive: 

  • A group coaching call with each module for support and accountability with Cynthia's team of expert coaches.

  • Handouts, exclusive discounts and access to relevant resources to achieve metabolic mastery!

Are You Ready to Kickstart Your Journey Toward Becoming the Best Version of Yourself for Only $997?

If so, Midlife PAUSE™ is here to help. It’s time to shift from mere survival to thriving in every aspect of your life and embark on a path to vibrant health that’s tailored to you – because you deserve nothing less. The Midlife PAUSE™ program is here to help you tackle your challenges and unlock your full potential, addressing underlying factors that impact your health and well-being. We’ll explore the underlying factors affecting your health and work together to break through plateaus, improve sleep, boost energy levels, and achieve the results you’ve been striving for.

You’re invited to join me and my expert team on a transformative journey to truly understand your metabolic health so you can FINALLY lose weight, sleep great, have endless energy, and be limitless regardless of age.

"Life changing for me. Mental clarity, feeling peaceful in my body, abdominal fat reduction (hallelujah!) and overall weight loss. IF is my new norm. I'm so very thankful."

-Leslie M.

"Sticking with this! It's completely normal now! Can't imagine going back! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and creating this amazing space to learn!"

-Jennifer M.

"I have already lost 5 pounds and feeling like the inches are dropping too!"

-Susan S.

women in red shirt
Tessa Guevara

Mom, wife, APRN, Nutritional Therapist, IF:45 Coach, and  breast cancer  survivor

photo of woman with dreads
Sarah Goudie

M.Ed, FDN-P, & Health Psychology Ph.D. Student

women with blonde hair in blue shirt
Carol Covino

IF:45 Coach, Personal Trainer & CEO of Covino Fitness, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, & Female Metabolism Coach

woman in white coat
Rachel Bonner

Holistic Family Nurse Practitioner with

20+ years of experience in Primary Care & Women’s Health

Meet Your Expert Coaches

Let's Take Back Control of Your Health

Register today to gain access to The Midlife PAUSE™ program and get ready to say goodbye to weight struggles, hormonal mysteries, sleepless nights, and low energy!

Let's Take Back Control of Your Health

Get on the waitlist for the next  Midlife PAUSE™ program and get ready to say goodbye to weight struggles, hormonal mysteries, sleepless nights, and low energy!

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