The Fast and The Curious: DIETS

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Interesting Facts About People Looking for Diets Online:

Let’s call these people “The Fast and The Curious”

The most searched diets are Keto, Dubrow, Noom, Carnivore, Mediterranean and intermittent fasting, according to Google today. Search the “Best Diets of 2019,” and you’ll get hundreds of results and tons of newly published articles agreeing and disagreeing about what the best diet for weight loss actually is.

Some will say that low-fat diets are the way to go, and others will maintain that carbs, sugar or gluten are the red devil on your shoulder. Counting calories is always a popular approach. But, then again, elimination and intermittent fasting diets are all the rage right now.

This year alone, 80 percent of Internet users, or about 93 million Americans, have searched for a health-related topic online, according to a study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project. That’s up from 62 percent of Internet users who said they went online to research health topics in 2001, the Washington research firm found.

“The fast and the curious” trend

We live in an instant gratification and microwave society. Everyone wants it NOW… the promotion, the skincare results, the engagement ring, and the celebrity body.

The fast and the curious syndrome is growing with the rise in social media. People are curious by nature but curiosity ignites online, as they are exposed to an array of content and will try and adapt to any method that will give them the fastest results.

FACTS about these diet trends:

Intermittent Fasting:


This technique can be hugely beneficial and can be combined with any other diet for success. One of the best ways to tap into fat stores, fuel fat loss, evoke autophagy (spring cleaning of the cells), improve bio markers.


This technique is not right for everyone. It can fuel eating disordered behaviors in those that have a history of this. It is also not ideal for those that have issues with being aware of their blood sugar being low/brittle, especially in diabetics. It is not for those that are pregnant/breastfeeding.

Ketogenic Diet:


Eating low carbs (around 20g per day) it can really help people get rid of processed foods and focus on real, whole-food sources. Getting into a state of ketosis can fuel fat loss.


The ketogenic diet is not right for everyone. Sustained low carb consumption can potentially put a stressor on hormones, especially the thyroid in women. This can be helped by cycling carbs. Not everyone digests fats efficiently, so some may gain weight on this diet or many do it incorrectly and gain weight.

Plant based:


Eating plant-based focuses on non-animal sources of food. Getting in those veggies and bumping up your micronutrient consumption is a great thing.


Eating this way can mean consuming higher amounts of carbs. Many people lose the benefit of animal based fats that help with satiety. If someone starts incorporating lots of grains/gluten/sugar to feel full, they are actually starting an unhealthy habit. I have additional concern for inadequate protein consumption and developing nutrient deficiencies like iron and B-12.



Many on this diet consume close to zero carbohydrates. This lower residue/fiber diet can be beneficial for those with colonic inflammation or autoimmune disorders, can be more easily digestible and therefore more bio-available.


My greatest concern is nutrient deficiencies like Vitamin C, magnesium and manganese, amongst several others. Exceptions might lie with someone who consumes dairy and organ meats, too; This diet has the potential to be detrimental to hormones, including thyroid because of the greatly reduced amount of carbohydrates. One can also miss out on benefits of phytonutrients from the lack of plant consumption.

Tips and tricks

Find what feels and works best for YOU! Please experiment and determine what fuels your body and helps you to get quality sleep and satiates you.

Don’t be afraid to try intermittent fasting. It can be combined with any diet (not just keto) and has profound health benefits.

Enjoy the process… don’t stress!

Ensure that you meal prep. I find this one step to be critical for success. Find two days/week that you can batch cook proteins and then add in the other components of your nutritional program.

Don’t compare your results to anyone else… we are all bio-individuals.

Potential Questions to ask yourself before making a decision:

*Why do you think these diets are so popular?

*Should people consult with their medical provider before trying these diets?

*Can you practice these diets long-term?

*Are these diets considered crash dieting?

*How long does it take to see results in each diet?

*Can I practice more than one diet at a time?

*Jennifer Lopez shared her no sugar, no carb diet earlier this year and recently showed off her fit body in her “infamous” Versace dress, is this type of diet safe?

*What’s your advice for easing into a diet?

*Do you consider these diets a weight loss strategy or a lifestyle?

More Information

I do not recommend one diet over the other. I believe people should throw out the scale and just start with baby steps of feeling better mentally, incorporating healthier foods in their day-to-day and try to practice some type of physical activity a few days out of the week. These changes are sustainable over a long period of time so that you can stay healthy and meet body goals

Though celebrities and magazines share tips and tricks to entice people with fast results, it’s important to consultant a medical professional and understand health and wellness is not a one size fit all.

So what do you think? What are you currently interested in or doing? I want to know! Please drop me a comment below.