Blueprint 2.0


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Next Class Starts SOON!

Wholistic Blueprint 2.0 is an 8-week program created to focus on important concepts to female hormonal health.

Are you ready to learn how to:

  • Sleep better
  • Fast for hormone health
  • Support your digestion proactively
  • Identify and eliminate toxins from your daily life
    (not just in food!) 
  • Practice self care 
  • Support your adrenals, thyroid, and hormones in a comprehensive manner 

Wholistic Blueprint 2.0 is an 8-week program, taught by Cynthia Thurlow & her team of certified coaches. With over 50 years of combined clinical experiences who have also navigated perimenopause and menopause. 

During the 8 weeks, you will be facilitated with 8 modules covering critically important information to help provide a basis for how best to support your body during middle age and beyond AND 4 bonus modules.

Through our 8 weeks together, you will learn what changes in middle age in terms of:

    • Sleep
    • Hormones
    • Macros
    • Muscle
    • Insulin sensitivity
    • Stress
    • Weight loss resistance
    • Prescriptions, supplements, and more.
    In addition, you will have the opportunity to receive:
    • Interpretation of the GI Map with or without Zonulin
    • Interpretation of the DUTCH Plus

Meet Our Practitioners

Sarah Goudie

Sarah Goudie, M.Ed, FDN-P and Health Psychology Ph.D. Student. Motivated by her newfound focus on personal health and a desire to support others.

Tessa Guevera

Nutritional therapist. Deeply passionate about educating women on how their body is designed to work. As well as, how to use lifestyle, nutrition and supplement strategies to support overall female hormonal and gut health.

Erin Costa

Functional Nutrition Practitioner and lifelong fitness enthusiast. Changing her diet had such an incredible impact on her own health and physical performance that she felt an intense pull to learn more so that she could help others feel as good as her.

How it works:

  • Start off with a 20 minute on-boarding call with one of our certified coaches to help you define your priorities and greatest concerns. 
  • (2) 30 minute 1:1 calls to review each test and provide personalized recommendations regarding lifestyle, nutrition, additional testing and, if necessary, a referral to other licensed healthcare professionals in your area. Please check the 2 tiers available below.
  • (3) 60 minute group coaching calls in a live and personalized environment to meet your needs!
  • 8 weeks of coaching in a private, supportive environment
  • Resources: weekly guides, relevant research, book recommendations
  • Options to refer you to a trusted exercise science based personal trainer, who only works with middle aged women
  • Options to extend your time with us in Wholistic Blueprint Extension, which is a year long program that extends our time together and incorporates 3 additional 1:1 calls with us, monthly group calls and support

In this program we will help adjust, course correct and edit your lifestyle habits to ensure you are not just surviving, but thriving!

Choose what's best for you!

TIER 1 - $1,797

  • 8 weeks of content, and guides
  • (2) 30-minute calls with one of Cynthia’s certified coaches to review your labs. 
  • Both the GI Map with Zonulin OR DUTCH Plus tests interpreted by one of Cynthia’s certified coaches. 

TIER 2 - $2,497

  • 8 weeks of content, and guides
  • (2) 30 minute calls with Cynthia Thurlow to review your labs
  • Both the GI Map with Zonulin AND DUTCH Plus tests interpreted by Cynthia.

Why do we use GI MAP with Zonulin and DUTCH Plus Tests?

  • We believe that they are some of the most empowering tests available, in conjunction with conventional serum/blood based options along with a thorough history.
  • GI MAP with Zonulin: helps you understand your gut microbiome, along with any latent parasites, viruses, bacteria, candida or dysbiosis that don’t belong! It allows us to determine how healthy your pancreatic enzyme production is, if you break down your fat in your diet, how robust your immune system is in the GI tract and much more.
  • DUTCH Plus: helps you understand the net impact of sleep, stress, nutrition and lifestyle on cortisol/DHEA (adrenal health markers), estrogen metabolism and detoxification along with progesterone and testosterone, melatonin, B12 and B6 markers as well as other neurotransmitter metabolites and insights.
Test pricing: 
Regular GI MAP $389, GI MAP with Zonulin $453, DUTCH Plus $400.

You have the option to choose if you want to do the Regular GI MAP OR the GI MAP with Zonulin.

We really do believe these tests along with our program help provide invaluable insights into your health and how best to navigate next steps!

This program is for you if:

  • You are exhausted all the time and find you are less stress resilient.
  • You can’t make sense of all the information about women in middle age “should” and should not be doing.
  • You are weight loss resistant and the scale won’t budge.
  • You are frustrated and tired with the current medical model.
  • You are suffering from digestive symptoms like bloating, reflux, intolerances to certain foods, etc. 
  • You feel like you need a detox and restart.

In this program we will help adjust, course correct and edit your lifestyle habits to ensure you are not just surviving, but thriving!

Class Begins this Fall of 2023

Join the Wholistic Blueprint waitlist to be notified when registration is live.


Andrea S.
“If only we could clone Cynthia! Everyone needs to hear the information she shares. This is an amazing program…Invaluable food guides, detoxification, hormones and adrenals, healthy mindset, and safer home tips were just a few topics covered. She is a wealth of knowledge, covering important missing pieces in healthcare today. Posts were presented as articles, videos, and photos and we could interact within our closed group. She answered questions promptly in a positive and motivating manner. Her suggestions can be easily implemented into our busy lifestyles, and have life changing effects. I strongly recommend getting on board with Cynthia ASAP!”
Ambra N.
"Cynthia has crafted a wonderful program that is informative and not in an overwhelming manner. Program content is well developed and organized. My knowledge has greatly increased about hormones, thyroid, toxins and everyday wellness for myself. I enjoyed the private FB group and the personal attention Cynthia gave in the group and to member's questions. I think everyone should have this experience including DUTCH Plus testing. Cynthia's personal review of my results and recommendations may helped me identify areas of improvement and improved my health and quality of life. " ​
Lindsey B.
“Cynthia is a wealth of knowledge and also full of passion which makes her program so valuable. She truly cares about each individual in her program. The information here was nicely organized and very relevant to busy women looking for a one stop shop to better health!”
Melissa L.
“Participating in WB is a great experience and not like anything I have ever done before. Working with Cynthia on the DUTCH Plus test and GI MAP with Zonulin tests is priceless. Cynthia is very knowledgeable and discusses all results in an easy-to-understand way. I have learned much more than intermittent fasting while participating in these programs (IF:30 & WB), for example, how to make one change at a time, give myself grace, the importance of sleep, the importance of sunlight, the importance of protein, and strength training… the list could go on. You will not regret participating in this program but will gain so much knowledge and practical ways to live a healthy life. You will also be introduced to other health professionals that add extreme value. Don’t wait, join the WB program! Use what you like.. I’m not the best writer.. Cynthia is incredible and so are her programs! Thank you!!!”
Kimberly D.
“Thank you Cynthia, Tessa, and Team!! I have spent most of your time focusing on nourishing my body in the good/better/best fashion. I am now down 21.4lbs. My sleep seems improved. I am still working at blood glucose!! My next “adjustment” is adding in some time for strength and flexibility training. I am becoming more aware of situations and experiences that tap my energy and trying to be mindful of changes, tweaks, and adjustments to prevent myself from feeling the need to “tap out”!!! 😛😉😎”
Peggy D.
“I learned a lot. I have been able to clean up my diet and I have stayed on a clean eating path. It was great having the daily support. The weekly topics were very educational.”
Tracy N.
“I gained so much from each of the weekly topics and have been able to apply it to my everyday life! She introduces many options/ideas surrounding sleep, diet, etc…. and from there you take what works for you and incorporate it. Her approach is supportive, consultative and very uplifting. I highly recommend Cynthia’s programs!!”
Melanie M.
“I learned and reaffirmed so much information that was extremely helpful. Cynthia is warm, professional and knowledgeable about a multitude of functional health issues. I would highly recommend Cynthia.”
Laura E.
“Cynthia’s years of experience as a Nurse Practitioner, her extensive knowledge of functional nutrition, and her gentle and understanding approach make her the perfect resource for getting your health on track.”
Jul B.
“Excellent information-filled program lead by a Pro!”
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and a member of our team will contact you for registration.