Ep. 299 What is Sexual Wellness? with Dr. Kelly Casperson

I have the honor of connecting with Dr. Kelly Casperson today! She is a urologist with an unwavering commitment to empowering women to embrace their love lives to the fullest! As the host of the enlightening You Are Not Broken podcast and the author of the equally insightful book bearing the same title, she has become a beacon of knowledge and inspiration in the world of human intimacy and sexual wellness.

In our discussion today, we delve into the world of sexuality. We dissect the influence of Hollywood on the woeful lack of education around sexual intimacy, explore the role of parenting, the absence of comprehensive sex education in our schools, and the consequential impact on how society perceives female physiology. Dr. Kelly sheds light on the alarming lack of sexual education in medical school curricula, the intricate interplay of hormones, and the significance of hormone replacement therapy. Our dialogue also extends to the distinctions between oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy and the transformative potential of bridging behavioral gaps in the bedroom for enhanced lovemaking. Dr. Kelly also sheds light on the changes occurring in the genital urinary system with age and prompts us to rethink our approach to sexual health.

This show has been one of the most captivating podcasts I have ever had the pleasure of hosting! Dr. Kelly Casperson emerges as an invaluable resource in human intimacy, offering a treasure trove of wisdom and insight through her podcast and illuminating TEDx talk.