Ep. 284 AMA #1: HRT’s Misconceptions & Misinformation with Cynthia Thurlow, NP 

Today, I am thrilled to welcome all of my wonderful, Everyday Wellness listeners to a special episode of the podcast they specifically requested – an Ask Me Anything session with yours truly!

Interestingly, the subject that resonated most among listeners was hormone replacement therapy. To be crystal clear, I am here only to provide general insights and share information. If I answer your question today, I earnestly recommend that you listen, learn, and then find a practitioner who can best support your particular needs.

It is essential to remember that we are all bio-individuals. So what works for me may not work for someone else. I also want to ensure that women who choose not to pursue HRT are fully informed about the potential consequences of that choice. So, I appeal to you not to let fear dictate your decision-making around HRT if it is appropriate for you.

I believe informed consent is paramount, regardless of how you navigate the perimenopause and menopause phases of your life, and I ask you to embark on this journey with me, free from judgment.

Stay tuned for my advice, recommendations, and resources!