Cynthia's Podcast

Episode 29 How to Beat the Winter Blues

This is the time of year when many of us start to feel a little down and sad. This can be called the winter blues or seasonal affective disorder (SAD – if the symptoms meet a certain criteria and have been present for at least 2 years). In this episode, Cynthia and Kelly talk about causal factors and the lifestyle and dietary changes that you can make to feel better before spring arrives. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave us a rating/review.

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Episode 28 Supercharged Strategies for a Better Brain

As founder of Redeeming Wellness, Leslie Bumpas helps women identify the underlying causes blocking their well-being and teaches them how to nourish their body. In this podcast, we talk all about one of Leslie’s specialites, brain health. It’s easy to overlook brain health until you notice a problem. Leslie gives us practical tools and strategies for improving brain health. Visit for more information.

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Episode 27 The TedX Experience

TedX speakers bring wisdom and perspective to a variety of topics in life. Cynthia’s talk on TedX is no exception. Cynthia’s TedX talk covers perimenopause in a whole new light. In this episode, Cynthia talks about her process for preparing for her talk, what happened during the talk and how she stayed calm, and how she recovered and practiced self-care. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave us a rating/review. We appreciate it.

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Episode 26: How to Lose Weight When You’ve Tried Everything with Gordon Light

Gordon tells us about his journey from exercise-hater to movement and wellness enthusiast. Gordon loves to work with individuals who have tried all the diet and exercise programs without any real progress. Gordon’s practical and fun approach to health and fitness is refreshing in a world of rigid diets and strict exercise protocols. Learn more about Gordon HERE: Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave us a rating/review. We appreciate it.

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Episode 25: Are you SAD: Lifestyle Medicine Strategies for Healing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder is common this time or year, but that doesn’t mean that you have to live with it. If you suffer from low mood, irritability, weight gain, carb cravings, lack of motivation, and difficulty sleeping during the fall and winter months, this episode is for you. In addition to the information that we provide in the podcast, check out the article I wrote on Beating the Winter Blues. Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave us a rating/review. We appreciate it.

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Episode 24: Considering CrossFit and Keto with Liam McElwee

Liam McElwee is a trainer and coach who is passionate about CrossFit and the ketogenic diet. Liam has used his own experience to fuel his work as on online health and wellness coach. Join us to learn more about Liam’s journey and his passion for health! Thanks for listening! Please subscribe and leave us a rating/review. We appreciate it. Find out more about Cynthia at and more about Kelly at

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