Ep. 329 Psychology of Eating: Behaviors, Myths and Beliefs with Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum

I am honored to connect with Dr. Sandi Scheinbaum today.
Dr. Scheinbaum is the Founder of the Functional Medicine Coaches Association, an initiative focused on helping practitioners and businesses hire health coaches who focus on chronic disease and reducing healthcare costs. She is an educator and clinical psychologist with a career spanning over 40 years, lecturing prolifically on the psychology of well-being, mind-body medicine, and the psychology of eating, and writing several books on health coaching, panic attacks, and anxiety.

In our conversation today, we dive into nutrition confusion, scientific evolution, biased myths and beliefs, contradictory messages, and how cognitive dissonance affects people’s eating patterns and attitudes toward food. Dr. Scheinbaum shares how she transitioned from being a vegan to becoming an omnivore, and we explore the role of Erikson’s stages of development and family dynamics in shaping theories and behaviors around food. We look into the psychology of eating, social messaging, and the consequences of appetite judgments, food shame, and orthorexia.

Dr. Scheinbaum also explains how to find local practitioners who can assist you in navigating your relationship with food, mind-body medicine, and cognitive-behavioral therapies.

Stay tuned for today’s insightful discussion, where Dr. Sandi Scheinbaum unravels the psychology that shapes our eating patterns, attitudes, and approaches to food.

Ep. 290 AMA #2: Elevating Health, Fitness & Dieting through Nutrition with Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Greetings, curious minds, and welcome back to AMA number two with yours truly!
Your relentless curiosity about me and my endeavors has touched my heart, and I have to admit that I was utterly amazed and humbled by the sheer number of questions pouring in. I cannot thank you enough for your overwhelming participation!
Today, we embark on a journey through the world of nutrition with a touch of personal revelation and the delightful exploration of your inquiries about me. We might also venture into the realm of intermittent fasting if time permits.
Get ready to dive into an enriching Q&A experience! If you have been enjoying these episodes, please don’t hesitate to let me know, and keep those thought-provoking questions coming! Your input means the world to me!
Join me as I answer your questions and unravel some of the mysteries of nutrition!