Ep. 363 Challenging the Diet-Heart Hypothesis: Reevaluating Nutrition and Health with Dr. David Diamond

I am honored to connect with Dr. Dave Diamond today.
Dr. Diamond is a professor at the University of South Florida in their Department of Psychology, Molecular Pharmacology, and Physiology. He has a Ph.D. in biology, specializing in behavioral neuroscience.
In our discussion today, Dr. Diamond talks about his journey as a neuroscientist and his interest in heart disease, and we discuss how Ancel Keys, the nutritional department at Harvard, and governmental dietary guidelines have significantly hindered our state of health. We explore the diet-heart hypothesis, the effects of seed oils and low-fat diets, the misconceptions surrounding cholesterol, metabolic errors, and the role of insulin resistance in coronary artery disease and metabolic health. We also scrutinize the implications of scientific misconduct, the effects of statins, and the role of nutrition in shaping lipid panels.
Join us for today’s valuable, insightful, and informative conversation with Dr. Dave Diamond.

Ep. 290 AMA #2: Elevating Health, Fitness & Dieting through Nutrition with Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Greetings, curious minds, and welcome back to AMA number two with yours truly!
Your relentless curiosity about me and my endeavors has touched my heart, and I have to admit that I was utterly amazed and humbled by the sheer number of questions pouring in. I cannot thank you enough for your overwhelming participation!
Today, we embark on a journey through the world of nutrition with a touch of personal revelation and the delightful exploration of your inquiries about me. We might also venture into the realm of intermittent fasting if time permits.
Get ready to dive into an enriching Q&A experience! If you have been enjoying these episodes, please don’t hesitate to let me know, and keep those thought-provoking questions coming! Your input means the world to me!
Join me as I answer your questions and unravel some of the mysteries of nutrition!

Bonus Ep. 231 Organ Meats & The Illusion of Health with Chef James Barry

I’m delighted to connect and have a discussion with James Barry today! James is a private chef who has launched an amazing product called Pluck, an organ-based seasoning I have been using for the last several years. James is also co-author of the recipes in Dr. Alejandro Junger’s book Clean 7.

James has always enjoyed working with food! Recently, he realized that cooking is his way of expressing love! In this episode, we dive into his background and passion for cooking. We discuss dogma, the illusion of health, the psychology of food, farm subsidies, orthorexia, phobias, manifestation, and alignment. We get into food privilege, the lack of transparency in the processed food industry, the health benefits of eating organ meats, and hurdles to consuming organ meats. We also talk about how Pottenger’s Cats and indigenous cultures have influenced him and how Pluck can be a gateway to organ meat consumption.

I hope you will enjoy listening to today’s discussion with James Barry as much as I did recording it! Stay tuned for more!