Ep. 348 Bright Line Eating: Exploring the Complexity of Food Addiction with Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson

I am honored to connect with Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson today.
Dr. Peirce Thompson is an adjunct associate professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester and an expert in the psychology of eating. She is also the New York Times bestselling author of Bright Line Eating.
In our conversation today, we dive into the complexities of food addiction, exploring why it is even more challenging than drug or alcohol addiction, the importance of awareness around food addiction, and the impact of genetics and trauma. We discuss the addictive properties of sugar and flour, the bliss point in the processed food industry, and misconceptions surrounding artificial sugars. Dr. Peirce Thompson also shares her journey of addiction and recovery, offering invaluable insights on breaking the cycle of addiction and reframing our relationship with hunger.
I am confident that today’s discussion with Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson will provide valuable insights and provoke thoughtful reflections. Join us to learn how to break the cycle of addiction and reclaim control over your relationship with food.

Ep. 309 Psychological Distress and Food Addiction: Finding Solutions with Dr. Tro Kalayjian

I am delighted to have my friend and colleague, Dr. Tro Kalayjian, back on the podcast today! He was with me once before for episode 54.
Dr. Tro has a background in internal and obesity medicine and is a founding member of the Society for Metabolic Health Practitioners. He managed to lose more than 150 pounds by challenging conventional medical advice.
In our discussion today, we dive into the impact of food addiction and how our current medical framework has compounded the difficulties of so many patients. We explore the limitations of the calories in calories out model and explain why the term binge eating does not adequately describe food addiction. We go into the role of macronutrients and discuss surgical interventions and medications for food addictions, highlighting the need for patient autonomy and shared decision-making. We also scrutinize the influence of institutions like the CDC, FDA, and insurance companies on how physicians and other healthcare practitioners practice medicine and help their patients manage hunger cravings, social interactions, emotions, and more.
Dr. Tro’s dedication to empowering practitioners to become strong patient advocates and oppose the conventional medical paradigm shines through in this impactful and thought-provoking episode. I truly admire him for his commitment to challenging traditional medical protocols!