Ep. 283 Women & Intermittent Fasting: Enhancing Metabolic Health with Megan Ramos

Step into the world of metabolic health and fasting as we embark on a captivating journey with the renowned Canadian clinical educator Megan Ramos!

In an era when chronic illness and obesity have become alarmingly prevalent, and dieting has become a lifelong struggle for many, Megan is on a mission to revolutionize our understanding of metabolic health. Known for her expertise in therapeutic fasting and low-carb diets, she co-founded the revolutionary Fasting Method alongside the renowned Dr. Jason Fung and co-authored the bestselling book Life in the Fasting Lane. Now, she returns with her latest work, delving into the untold stories of women and fasting.
In today’s captivating discussion, Megan and I explore the staggering statistics that reveal a nation plagued by chronic illness and weight issues, where even the average person has tried 126 diets in their lifetime.

Megan shares her groundbreaking insights on women and fasting, unveiling the truth behind misdiagnosis, the myths surrounding intermittent fasting, the role of macros and insulin secretion, and the profound impact of the pandemic on our hormones, sleep, and stress levels.

Prepare yourself for a thought-provoking episode as we tackle pressing questions from listeners, covering the dawn effect, gout, insomnia, and invaluable strategies for achieving fasting success!