Ep. 361 Metabolic Health: Addressing Mitochondria, Medicine and Advocacy with Casey Means, MD

I am delighted to reconnect with Dr. Casey Means today.
Dr. Means is the Co-founder of Levels, a health technology company dedicated to reversing the global metabolic health crisis. She is also the co-author of the book Good Energy, along with her brother Callie Means.
In our discussion today, we dive into mitochondria and metabolism, looking at the impact of cognitive dissonance and the reductionistic philosophies of medical specialization. We explore the effects of siloing, the challenges posed by our broken medical system, the Flexner Report, the role of RVUs, the effects of insulin resistance on metabolic health and mitochondrial dysfunction, and the symptoms commonly seen in women. Dr. Means also offers her insights on advocacy, continuous glucose monitors, and the labs she finds impactful, and she shares the incredible story of her mother’s health journey.
Good Energy is an outstanding book that will benefit every listener and clinician, and I will often recommend it.

EMF Awareness: Impact and Protection Strategies – Part I

EMF Awareness

EMF Awareness: Impact and Protection Strategies Part I In the vast sea of our modern lives, inundated with technology, there lies an invisible wave that’s constantly brushing against us – electromagnetic fields, or EMFs for short. These unseen forces, emitted by everything from the smartphone in your pocket to the Wi-Fi router humming quietly in … Read more

Ep. 332 Bio-individuality and Fasting: Personalized Approaches to Metabolic Health with Dr. Jason Fung

I am delighted to reconnect with Dr. Jason Fung today. We last connected in October 2020 for Episode 121.
Dr. Fung is a nephrologist and a prominent figure in the intermittent fasting and low-carb space. He has made significant contributions as a founding member of The Fasting Method with his evidence-based guidance on weight loss and blood glucose management through low-carb diets and intermittent fasting. He has written several books, including The Obesity Code, The Complete Guide to Fasting, The Diabetes Code, and The Cancer Code.
In our discussion today, we look at the forecast for metabolic health in 2024, exploring how the growth of the diabetes population relates to the effects of the pandemic and addressing the conflict of interest with organizations like the ADA and registered dieticians. Dr. Fung shares some of his biggest frustrations, including the shallow and myopic thinking amongst those focusing on calories in and calories out, and we get into various facets of metabolic health, from the nuanced influences of gender, puberty, perimenopause, and menopause to hedonistic eating, sarcopenia, bio-individuality, and therapeutic fasting. Dr. Fung also shares his perspective on GLP-1s, shiftwork, supplements, and more.
Join us for valuable insights on various aspects of metabolic health and how they impact our well-being.

Ep. 323 Muscle Matters: Transforming Metabolic Health for Weight Control with Bronson Dant

I am happy to connect with Coach Bronson Dant today. He has spent over a decade guiding and training people in health and fitness. He discovered the benefits of a whole food animal-based ketogenic diet for optimizing metabolic health and performance and wrote The Ultimate Ketogenic Fitness Book.
In our discussion today, we dive into the powerful story of Coach Bronson’s pain-to-purpose journey. We explore the value of mindset and look at how age-related changes affect muscle, inflammation, and metabolic flexibility. He shares his three pillars of muscle health related to nutrient density, bioavailability, and satiety, and we examine the importance of sleep, the impact of extremes in exercise, and the value of stress management. We also unravel the complexities of weight loss resistance, and Coach Bronson discusses his research from the Journal of Nutrition Metabolism and Health Science, sharing his perspective on macros and functional movement in menopausal women.

Ep. 316 The Impact of Age, Gender and Lifestyle on Metabolic Health with Dr. Ben Bikman

I am delighted to have the privilege of reconnecting with Dr. Ben Bikman today. (He was with me previously on episodes 114 and 168.)

Dr. Bikman has a Ph.D. in Bio-energetics and also served as a postdoctoral fellow at the Duke-National University of Singapore, specializing in metabolic diseases. His current professional focus, as a scientist and Associate Professor at Brigham Young University, is on understanding the effects of elevated insulin, obesity regulation, diabetes management, the relevance of ketones, and the workings of mitochondrial function. He is also the author of a book I love and often recommend called Why We Get Sick.

In today’s conversation, Dr. Bikman and I delve into a wide range of topics, including age-related changes in fat cells, gender-specific differences, the contrasting dynamics of hyperplasic and hypertrophic fat cells, and the impact of hormone replacement therapy and a metabolic buffer. We explore the changes in insulin sensitivity occurring during perimenopause and menopause and discuss the role of muscle, explaining how it can utilize either carbohydrates or fat for fuel. We also highlight the importance of strength training, discuss the impact of GLP-1 agonists- focusing specifically on Wegovy, and get into the effects of lifestyle factors like sleep and stress, the repercussions of endocrine-mimicking chemicals, and the significant impact of statin use with its associated diabetes risk. Lastly, we dive into the complex question of what poses more of a threat to our health- seed oils, high-fructose corn syrup, refined starches, or sugars?

Ep. 307 Metabolic Health, Muscle, and Strength with JJ Virgin

I am delighted to have my friend, colleague, and mentor, JJ Virgin, joining me on the podcast again today! She last appeared in Episode 112, back in August 2020.
JJ is a thriving and influential health and wellness expert. She is a multiple New York Times best-selling author and triple board-certified nutrition expert who earned a place in the Fitness Hall of Fame.
In our conversation today, we debunk some common misconceptions around weight loss, discussing the role of muscle and examining the importance of macro management- particularly in the context of perimenopause and menopause. We explore the art of aging powerfully and share some great hacks for navigating middle age, including our favorite supplements, like creatine monohydrate. We also look into the value of doing flexibility work like Pilates and yoga, the latest research on grip strength and its implications for overall strength, and the impact of chronic stress, and we share some effective strategies for tackling cellulite.
Stay tuned for more!

Ep. 298 AMA #4 Women’s Health Chat: Questions, Tips and Advice with Cynthia Thurlow, NP

I am thrilled to welcome you to another engaging episode of the AMA series!

Today, I dive into a diverse array of topics and address the questions that have emerged time and time again. As always, the sheer abundance of questions from all of you has made the selection process a delightful challenge!

For this show, I decided to address those questions sent in by many different people. Join me as I embark on an expedition through the most commonly asked questions, focusing on those recurring questions that have consistently caught your interest and shedding light on the subjects that have piqued the curiosity of a great many of you.

Sorting through the multitude of questions you submitted was an enjoyable endeavor, and I am delighted to address all the inquiries that resonated with so many of you today!

Ep. 285 Improving Metabolic Health: Lifestyle Interventions To Optimize Metabolic Health with Kara Collier, RD

Get ready to venture into the realm of cutting-edge health and nutrition as I reconnect with Kara Collier, a registered dietitian and the co-founder of Nutrisense, the revolutionary continuous glucose monitor app!
Our paths last crossed back in January of 2021, and I am thrilled to catch up with Kara again! Today, we delve deep into the ever-evolving landscape of metabolic health in 2023, exploring the pivotal role of CGM labs and glucometers in understanding our bodies.
In today’s captivating conversation, Kara unravels the significance of measuring glucose against other metabolites, unveiling the profound impact of macros, exercise, supplements, sleep quality, life stage, and bio-individuality on our well-being. With a plethora of invaluable hacks to optimize your blood sugar, we invite you to join us on a captivating journey that will leave you empowered to take charge of your health and transform your life!
Gear up for an enlightening conversation packed with valuable insights you will not want to miss! Prepare to be inspired and informed as we uncover the secrets to unlocking your metabolic potential!

Ep. 283 Women & Intermittent Fasting: Enhancing Metabolic Health with Megan Ramos

Step into the world of metabolic health and fasting as we embark on a captivating journey with the renowned Canadian clinical educator Megan Ramos!

In an era when chronic illness and obesity have become alarmingly prevalent, and dieting has become a lifelong struggle for many, Megan is on a mission to revolutionize our understanding of metabolic health. Known for her expertise in therapeutic fasting and low-carb diets, she co-founded the revolutionary Fasting Method alongside the renowned Dr. Jason Fung and co-authored the bestselling book Life in the Fasting Lane. Now, she returns with her latest work, delving into the untold stories of women and fasting.
In today’s captivating discussion, Megan and I explore the staggering statistics that reveal a nation plagued by chronic illness and weight issues, where even the average person has tried 126 diets in their lifetime.

Megan shares her groundbreaking insights on women and fasting, unveiling the truth behind misdiagnosis, the myths surrounding intermittent fasting, the role of macros and insulin secretion, and the profound impact of the pandemic on our hormones, sleep, and stress levels.

Prepare yourself for a thought-provoking episode as we tackle pressing questions from listeners, covering the dawn effect, gout, insomnia, and invaluable strategies for achieving fasting success!

Ep. 278 The Impact Of Intermittent Fasting On Metabolic Health In Women

Today I have the honor of connecting with Temple Stewart! She is a registered dietician specializing in low-carb dieting for women’s weight loss.

I have spoken on the stage with Temple several times over the last year, and she is delightful! In this episode, she shares her background, and we dive into how she was able to reverse her PCOS and Hashimoto’s by adopting a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet. We discuss food psychology, woke nutrition, whether or not “if it fits your macros” is a good philosophy, issues surrounding the traditional allopathic nutrition model, and challenges related to nutrition research. We also get into plateau busters and share five ways to measure success other than the scale.