Expanding Perspectives on LDL, Lipids, and LMHRs – Part II

Redefining “Bad” Cholesterol In Part I, we talked about the important roles cholesterol plays in our bodies and how it affects women going through perimenopause and menopause. We also introduced lean mass hyper-responders (LMHRs), a group of people with high LDL cholesterol who are still healthy, challenging traditional views on cholesterol.  Now, in Part II, … Read more

Expanding Perspectives on LDL, Lipids, and LMHRs – Part I

Redefining “Bad” Cholesterol Cholesterol plays several crucial roles in maintaining our health, from contributing to the structure of cell walls to aiding in the production of vital hormones. However, its role in cardiovascular health has long been a subject of intense scrutiny and debate. Traditionally, high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol have been tagged … Read more

The Unseen Universe Within: Exploring the Mysteries of the Gut Microbiome

The Unseen Universe Within: Exploring the Mysteries of the Gut Microbiome The gut microbiome stands as a central player in the vast landscape of human health, orchestrating functions that span digestion, immunity, and even mental well-being. This complex community of microorganisms, although often overlooked, is fundamental to our biological operations, influencing everything from nutrient absorption … Read more

EMF Awareness: Impact and Protection Strategies – Part I

EMF Awareness

EMF Awareness: Impact and Protection Strategies Part I In the vast sea of our modern lives, inundated with technology, there lies an invisible wave that’s constantly brushing against us – electromagnetic fields, or EMFs for short. These unseen forces, emitted by everything from the smartphone in your pocket to the Wi-Fi router humming quietly in … Read more

EMF Awareness: Impact and Protection Strategies – Part II

EMF Awareness: Impact and Protection Strategies Part II In Part I, we explored the world of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and their presence in our everyday lives. Now, in Part II, we’ll dive deeper into practical steps you can take to protect yourself from EMFs. We’ll look at simple changes you can make at home and discuss … Read more

Intermittent Fasting and Travel

Intermittent Fasting and Travel: A Recap On My Trip to London Much like the holidays, intermittent fasting, sleep, and exercise can also be challenging when away from home.  I’m often asked about tips and tricks on sticking to a health and wellness routine when traveling for work or vacation. Since I recently returned from London … Read more

6 Benefits of IF:45 for women

In addition to managing weight, intermittent fasting has been linked to balancing hormones, reducing inflammation, decreasing insulin resistance, improving cell repair processes, boosting brain function, and helping to prevent chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  And that’s just the shortlist! Sounds good, right? It is!  But many women often find it … Read more

The Do’s & Don’ts to avoiding holiday weight gain this season

Between Halloween candy and holiday celebrations, it’s no secret that this time of year is when many people kick their everyday diet and exercise routines to the curb.  In fact, statistics show that during the holiday season, adults’ eating and exercise habits in the United States begin to decrease monthly and plummet to the lowest … Read more