Ep. 368 Lipid Masterclass: Exploring Insulin Resistance, Statins, and Alternatives with Dr. Thomas Dayspring

I am thrilled to present the last class of our Lipid Masterclass series today with the esteemed Dr. Thomas Dayspring. Dr. Dayspring is board-certified in internal medicine and clinical lipidology and is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and the National Lipid Association.
Today, we round things out by diving into medications for lipid abnormalities and discussing lipid physiology, with Dr. Dayspring shedding light on insulin resistance and statins and cautioning against statin use for those predisposed to diabetes or insulin resistance. He also explains why LDL particle size is not worth testing and discusses ways to identify specific laboratory abnormalities.
Be sure to stay tuned for the AMA session to follow, where Dr. Dayspring will answer listeners’ questions.
It has been a privilege engaging with Dr. Dayspring throughout this masterclass series. I know you will have learned a lot from it!