Ep. 381 Addressing Insulin Resistance: Effective Strategies with Dr. Ted Naiman

I am delighted to connect with Dr. Nathan Bryan, an international leader in Molecular Medicine, biochemistry, and nitric oxide today. He was the first ever to describe nitrites and nitrates as indispensable nutrients for cardiovascular health. Having been involved in nitric oxide research for the past 18 years, he has made many seminal discoveries in that area.
After hearing Dr. Bryan speak on the podcast of a colleague, I decided to bring him into the Everyday Wellness Community. In today’s discussion, we explore the role of nitric oxide as a signaling molecule crucial for communication within the body and examine how modern lifestyles affect nitric oxide production, looking at how to differentiate between the two nitric oxide pathways and understanding why our lifestyle choices significantly impact that. We discuss the importance of the oral microbiome and symbiosis, the harmful effects of fluoride, proton pump inhibitors, and mouthwash on our health, and cover the symptoms of low nitric oxide production, the impact of modern farming practices on the nutrient quality of our foods, and the differences between organic and conventional crops. Dr. Bryan highlights the importance of gender differences in nitric oxide production, particularly during perimenopause and menopause. We also explore various factors to avoid, the benefits of tongue scraping, the role of hydrochloric acid, and the importance of genetic testing for supporting nitric oxide production, and Dr. Bryan shares his view on how lifestyle choices and nitric oxide supplementation are as crucial as HRT in the aging process.
I am confident you will love this conversation with Dr. Nathan Bryan as much as I enjoyed recording it.

Ep. 368 Lipid Masterclass: Exploring Insulin Resistance, Statins, and Alternatives with Dr. Thomas Dayspring

I am thrilled to present the last class of our Lipid Masterclass series today with the esteemed Dr. Thomas Dayspring. Dr. Dayspring is board-certified in internal medicine and clinical lipidology and is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and the National Lipid Association.
Today, we round things out by diving into medications for lipid abnormalities and discussing lipid physiology, with Dr. Dayspring shedding light on insulin resistance and statins and cautioning against statin use for those predisposed to diabetes or insulin resistance. He also explains why LDL particle size is not worth testing and discusses ways to identify specific laboratory abnormalities.
Be sure to stay tuned for the AMA session to follow, where Dr. Dayspring will answer listeners’ questions.
It has been a privilege engaging with Dr. Dayspring throughout this masterclass series. I know you will have learned a lot from it!

Ep. 320 Mastering Lifestyle: Guide to Overcoming Insulin Resistance with Shana Hussin, RD

I am thrilled to have my dear friend and colleague, Shana Hussin, joining me on the podcast today. Shana is a registered dietitian and host of the Fast to Heal podcast, where she passionately pursues her mission to empower women in reversing obesity, diabetes, PCOS, and fatty liver.
In our discussion today, we dive into the main contributors to poor metabolic health, also looking at other factors that may have roles to play. We identify signs of compromised blood glucose metabolism, discuss satiety, and explore ways of reversing insulin resistance and diabetes. Shana also shares her insights on labs to monitor and offers valuable strategies for addressing sleep and constipation issues.
Join us as we navigate several health topics, all aimed at fostering a healthier and more vibrant lifestyle.

Ep. 214 Breaking Down Insulin Resistance and Ketones with Dr. Latt Mansor

I am delighted to have the opportunity to connect with Dr. Latt Mansor today! Dr. Mansor is the Research Lead at HVMN. He oversees all the company’s research efforts and collaborations with universities and research institutions. He has a Master’s degree in sarcopenia and a P.h.D. from Oxford University. His background is predominantly in metabolism and physiology.

Dr. Mansor is a delightful individual who makes science and physiology accessible to everyone! In this episode, he and I discuss the role of ketones. We dive into how ketones are the fourth macronutrient, the role of energy and ATP, and using CGMs and glucometers to empower and motivate patients. We define endogenous versus exogenous ketones and explain how to utilize them in our daily lives. We also get into how ketones can improve cognition and performance, the cause of keto flu, fatty coffees, and the ongoing research that HVMN is doing.

We hope you enjoy learning from today’s fascinating conversation with Dr. Latt Mansor! Stay tuned for more!

Ep. 187 – Strategies for Biohacking Metabolic Health with Dr. Alexandra Sowa

Today, I am thrilled and honored to be talking to Dr. Alexandra Sowa. Dr. Sowa is a dual board-certified physician of internal medicine, specializing in metabolic health, and clinical instructor of medicine at NYU Langone. She has served as a health expert for national media outlets and print publications like SiriusXM, CBS News, NPR, the New York Times, U.S. News, World Report, and more. In addition to her private practice in NYC, she is the founder of SoWell Health, a consumer metabolic health company.

In this episode, we discuss the scope of metabolic health in the U.S., and Dr. Sowa explains how she came up with her Weight Biology Kit.

We talk about the importance of making the right nutritional choices and improving your health by making better lifestyle decisions. We dive into the role of using technology to monitor health, the influence of alcohol, and using Naltrexone to overcome alcohol cravings. We also unpack the notions of cheat days and biohacking in the wellness space.
Remember to check out Dr. Sowa’s Weight Biology Kit, a point-of-care testing kit for insulin resistance. Stay tuned for more!

Ep. 183 – Uncontrolled Blood Sugar Imbalance Complications with Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

I am excited to have Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, an internationally recognized expert in nutritional endocrinology, joining me on the podcast today! Dr. Ritamarie is a doctor of chiropractic with a master’s degree in nutrition and certifications in herbal medicine, acupuncture, and Heart Math. She is deeply committed to transforming our broken disease-management system into a health care system in which practitioners are skilled at finding the root causes of health challenges and using the wisdom of nature combined with modern science to restore balance to the body.

Dr. Ritamarie burned out in her early twenties and experienced many health problems. She wondered if her diet might be causing her problems, so she turned to the sphere of holistic natural medicine for solutions. She learned a lot and was able to heal. So, she became passionate about using nutrition to help others make choices for better health. She founded the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology to train doctors, nurses, nutritionists, health coaches, and other practitioners in the science of rebalancing hormones and restoring energy with nutrition and lifestyle approaches.

In this episode, she shares her story and we unpack insulin resistance, explain how to manage it, and talk about how intermittent fasting impacts blood sugar and helps overcome pre insulin resistance, insulin resistance, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. We also dive into successfully navigating perimenopause, menopause, and a plant-based keto diet and discuss the benefits of lifestyle medicine. Be sure to stay tuned for today’s educational and information-packed podcast!

Ep. 172 – Are We Eating From A Toxic Food System? Tackling Issues within the American Food Industry with Robyn O’Brien

Robyn O'Brien on Everyday Wellness Podcast with Cynthia Thurlow

I am honored to be interviewing Robyn O’Brien today! Robyn is a globally recognized voice in the food industry and has been called “food’s Erin Brockovich” by The New York Times. Her TEDx talk (based on her book, The Unhealthy Truth) exposes the shortcomings of our food system and has been viewed millions of times. It has influenced policy, legislation, and product formulation. For the last fifteen years, Robyn has advised CEOs and executives at multinational CPG companies, startups, and farm organizations. Robyn is the co-founder and managing director at rePlant Capital, a financial services firm ambitiously determined to reverse climate change through the deployment of a series of proprietary funds focused on U.S. farmers and their transition to regenerative and organic agriculture.

It can be hard for those who want to make real change in our broken systems to initiate change or know where to begin. Robyn O’Brien doesn’t just make noise about problems. She builds solutions and encourages her audiences to participate by identifying their skills and experiences to leverage them as entry points for systems change.

In Robyn’s story, capital is an entry point for catalytic change. If biodiversity is resiliency on the farm, Robyn deeply believes that diversity is resiliency in governance.

In this episode, Robyn explains how rePlant Capital is pioneering climate solutions by tackling soil health through a model of agricultural financing that no one else is providing. She also speaks to the importance of diverse governance and leadership in addressing these existential food, health, and climate issues.

I am very grateful to Robyn for writing her book because it has profoundly impacted the trajectory of everything I am doing right now! Stay tuned for more!

Ep. 168 – What To Do About Insulin Resistance Disorders (and the Role that Digestion Plays) with Dr. Benjamin Bikman

I am delighted to have Dr. Benjamin Bikman back on the podcast today! He was with us once before in Episode 114, where he spoke about the role of insulin resistance, metabolic health, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Ben is the author of a book I frequently recommend, called Why We Get Sick.

It can be quite challenging for many women to maintain a healthy weight and good metabolic health after about forty years of age. Just about all of our fat cells are made during childhood and puberty, and when we reach our sixties or seventies, the number of our fat cells starts to decline. Insulin plays a vital role in how fat cells can change and respond to sex hormones. In this episode, Dr. Ben talks about insulin, fat cells, and sex hormones in women. Stay tuned for more!

Benjamin Bikman earned his Ph.D. in Bioenergetics and was a postdoctoral fellow with the Duke-National University of Singapore in metabolic disorders. Currently, his professional focus as a scientist and associate professor (Brigham Young University) is to better understand the role of elevated insulin in regulating obesity and diabetes, including the relevance of ketones in mitochondrial function.