Ep. 160 – The Power Of Behavior-Centric Health & Wellness: Trade-Offs for a Long and Happy Life with Jon Levy

The pandemic has changed so much for so many of us. Our children are growing up facing unforeseen challenges, and many of us feel uncertain and fearful about what lies ahead. Human beings were never meant to be alone. Yet today, people are suffering from social isolation, a lack of contact, and not touching or connecting physically with anyone.

I am happy to have Jon Levy joining me as my guest for today! Jon is a behavioral scientist best known for his work in influencing, human connection, and decision making. More than a decade ago, Jon founded The Influencers Dinner, a secret dining experience for industry leaders ranging from Nobel laureates, Olympians, celebrities, and executives, to artists, musicians, and even the occasional princess. With thousands of members, Influencers is the largest community of its type worldwide.

Ep. 159 – Lara Adler Explains The Link Between Chemical Exposure And Weight Gain & Other Health Issues

I’m excited to have Lara Adler as my guest for today’s show! Lara is an Environmental Toxins Expert and Educator. She is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, who teaches health coaches, nutritionists, and other holistic health practitioners how to eliminate the number one thing holding their clients back from the results they are seeking- the unaddressed link between chemicals and chronic health problems. Lara trains practitioners to become experts in everyday toxic exposures so they can improve client outcomes without spending hundreds of hours researching on their own.

The information about environmental toxins that Lara will be sharing today is vital for you, the listeners, on many different levels. People are often surprised to learn that there is not much protection in the US, even though we have federal agencies designed to protect consumers. Even from my perspective, as a savvy, allopathic, western medicine, functionally-trained nurse practitioner, I learned a lot from Lara that I did not know before, so stay tuned today to hear about the nasty truth behind environmental toxins.

This episode is important, so be sure to listen to it several times, take actionable steps, and share it with your loved ones!

Ep. 158 – Root Cause & Treatment For SIBO, A Digestive System Condition: Addressing the Misconceptions With Phoebe Lapine

Phoebe Lapine on Everyday Wellness Podcast with Cynthia Thurlow

I am delighted to have Phoebe Lapine joining me as my guest for today’s show! Phoebe is a food and health writer, gluten-free chef, wellness personality, culinary instructor, award-winning blogger, recipe developer, Hashimoto’s advocate, prior podcast host, and speaker. She was born and raised in New York City, where she continues to live and eat.

Many people suffer from the symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) for years without ever getting the right treatment or knowing that their symptoms might be caused by something much deeper. Sixty percent of IBS is caused by SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), which is Phoebe’s area of expertise. There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings around SIBO because it is so nuanced. Phoebe is joining me today to shed some light on the topic. She will explain how to uncover the root causes of SIBO and discuss the connection between SIBO and thyroid issues. She will also talk about finding the best diet for healing IBS and tell us which ones work best. Be sure to stay tuned for more!

Ep. 157 – Biochemistry Secrets To Burn Fat Faster: Navigating the Science of Fat With Dr. Sylvia Tara

Dr. Sylvia Tara on Everyday Wellness Podcast with Cynthia Thurlow

I am excited to welcome Dr. Sylvia Tara today as my guest for the show! Dr. Tara was driven to research fat, science, and lifestyle after she finally got fed up with eating less and exercising more than her slimmer friends throughout her life. Her experiences told her there was more to weight loss than just “calories in, calories out.” As a biochemist, she was driven to get to the bottom of fat’s mysteries and the reasons it vexes us. In her best-selling book, The Secret Life of Fat, she reveals the complex biology of fat, how it resists loss, and what to do to remove stubborn fat.

Dr. Tara holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of California at San Diego and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. After trying dozens of different diets and failing with all of them, she started using every tool at her disposal, talking to researchers, and reading as many research papers as possible to learn the truth about fat and find out why she had so much difficulty losing weight. What she learned was surprising, and it answered all of her questions. Be sure to listen in today to find out what Dr. Tara discovered about fat and the way it functions.

Ep. 156 – Mysterious Effects On Hormones & Intermittent Fasting: Tips for Optimizing Estrogen Metabolism with Dr. Stephanie Gray

Dr. Stephanie Gray on the Everyday Wellness Podcast with Cynthia Thurlow

I am excited to welcome a fellow nurse practitioner, Dr. Stephanie Gray, as my guest for today’s show!

Stephanie Gray, DNP, MS, ARNP, AGNP-C, ABAAHP, FAARFM, is a functional medicine provider who helps men and women build sustainable and optimal health and longevity so that they can focus on what matters most to them!

Stephanie helps women in mid-life, who feel like their bodies have betrayed them, step back into their bodies by restoring optimal hormone levels so they can regain their sleep, figure, mood, and feel amazing once again. She is known for keeping hormone replacement therapy sexy, safe, and effective.

Stephanie saw a lot of incontinence while doing her graduate training in nursing homes. She realized that urinary incontinence was the primary reason for people being admitted to long-term care facilities. So she learned the art of pessary fitting, and through that, discovered that there were non-surgical and non-pharmacological options for urinary incontinence. Those options helped people regain some dignity and allowed them to stay in their own homes. Stephanie decided that there had to be a similar approach for every other condition, so she sought out the necessary training, became a nurse practitioner, and started a practice of her own. Be sure to listen in today, to hear Stephanie’s story, and learn all you need to know about hormones and hormone therapy.

Ep. 155 – Stages For Healing From Post Betrayal Syndrome: Surviving To Thriving with Dr. Debi Silber

Dr. Debi Silber on Everyday Wellness Podcast with Cynthia Thurlow

Today, I am delighted to have Dr. Debi Silber joining me as my guest! Debi is a holistic psychologist and an expert in health, mindset, and personal development. She is the author of the #1 bestselling book: The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind, and Life After a Life Crisis. Her recent Ph.D. study on how women experience betrayal made three ground-breaking discoveries that change how long it takes to heal. In addition to being on FOX, CBS, The Dr. Oz Show, TEDx, and more, Debi is an award-winning speaker, coach, and author dedicated to helping women move past their betrayals, once and for all.

Almost everyone has experienced an issue of betrayal at some point in their life. Every relationship, whether with a partner, parent, friend, or co-worker, has rules that are either spoken or unspoken. Betrayal involves breaking one of those rules, and the more we trust someone and depend on them, the deeper the betrayal, so when someone you trust shatters your sense of safety and security, it is traumatizing, and lots of cleaning up become necessary. Be sure to listen in today to find out how unhealed betrayal can impact your health, work, and relationships, and learn what you can do about it.

Ep. 154 – How to Normalize Your Thyroid Function: What You Can Do To Help Support Your Body with Dr. Alan Christianson

I am delighted to have Dr. Alan Christianson joining me as my guest for today’s show! Dr. Christianson is a Board-Certified Naturopathic Endocrinologist who focuses on thyroid care. He is also a New York Times bestselling author whose recent titles include The Thyroid Reset Diet. Dr. Christianson is the founding president behind the Endocrine Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the American College of Thyroidology. He has featured in countless media appearances, including Dr. Oz, The Doctors, and The Today Show.

Although tons of information about thyroid conditions is available out there, it can be confusing because so much of it is conflicting. Recent findings have shown that much of what we believed to be true in the past has changed. Thyroid disease has also changed. Thyroid cancers, the prevalence of thyroid treatment, and diagnoses for chronic disease have all tripled over the last couple of decades. Fortunately, Dr. Christianson is an incredible resource! He is joining us today to dive into some of the recent discoveries about the causes of thyroid disease and share some encouraging findings. Stay tuned to learn more!

Ep. 153 – Fix Your Mouth/Fix Your Health: Reversing Tooth Decay Naturally with Trina Felber

I am delighted to have the opportunity to connect with Trina Felber today! Trina is the Creator and CEO of Primal Life Organics, a premier, all-natural dental care company that focuses on oral health as the gateway to internal health. She is a long-standing nurse anesthetist, a mom, and a wife.

Trina believes that the antiseptic products we use in our mouths are doing us more harm than good. She pivoted to become an oral health expert after more than 25 years as a registered nurse. She created natural products to biohack your dental health for stronger, cleaner, whiter teeth and improved overall health. There is so much value in what Trina has to share today! This episode will blow your mind and completely change your perspective on dental health and dental care, so be sure to listen in!