Ep. 375 AMA #9: Aging Gracefully: Avoiding Muscle Loss and Sarcopenia with Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Today, we have AMA number 9.
This episode is particularly significant to me as I discuss the recent fall and rapid decline of my father, which I believe could have been prevented.
My father was a thin and reasonably healthy man who became increasingly sedentary later in life. He grew weaker and became frailer, and a series of falls resulted in multiple brain bleeds. Despite hospitalization, he ultimately chose comfort care and passed away.
By sharing his story, I hope to inspire others to prioritize physical activity, proper nutrition, and strength training to prevent similar outcomes.
Your responses and thoughtful questions are deeply appreciated. Stay tuned for today’s AMA, focusing on preventing sarcopenia in older adults.

Ep. 324 A Fresh Perspective on Aging: Dr. Youn’s Expert Insights

I am thrilled to connect with my friend and colleague, Dr. Anthony Youn today.
Dr. Youn is a nationally recognized board-certified plastic surgeon and the author of many best-selling books. He has a massive social media presence and hosts the widely acclaimed podcast The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show.
In our conversation today, we dive into Dr. Youn’s new book, Younger for Life, and he offers valuable insights on skin health and overall well-being. We explore the aging process and address oxidative-free radical damage, chronic inflammation, autophagy, and the impact of processed foods. We also get into helpful supplements for skin support, examine the concept of greenwashing, and discuss sunscreen, exfoliation, in-office treatments, breast implant illness, and the power of lifestyle choices.

Ep. 294 Aging Decoded: Dr. Morgan Levine on Epigenetics & Longevity

Today, I am delighted to have the privilege of embarking on a journey through scientific discovery and the secrets that shape our existence with the esteemed Dr. Morgan Levine!

Dr. Levine is an assistant professor of pathology at Gale University School of Medicine, where she stands at the forefront of a groundbreaking exploration into the enigma of biological aging. Armed with the tools of bioinformatics, she has unraveled the intricacies of aging, deciphering its code. She is the author of the book True Age, and her insights have enlightened those fortunate enough to peruse its pages!

Our discussion delves into the recesses of Dr. Levine’s profound expertise, exploring the domains of biologic aging and epigenetics, unlocking the mysteries of cellular senescence, revealing the connections between lifestyle and longevity, and unearthing the reasons behind aging being considered a veritable disease state. We navigate the landscape of gender-specific aging research, gene influence exemplified by APOE, and the intriguing permanence of our youthful fat cells. We also get into the efficacy of blue zones and hormesis and the importance of exercise and sleep optimization.

Today’s conversation with Dr. Levine promises a symphony of insight and discovery! Join us as we traverse the landscapes of longevity, epigenetics, and the science that might one day render age no more than a number.

Ep. 204 – An Immune Centric Approach to Optimizing Health and Aging with Joel Greene

I am delighted to have Joel Greene, one of my favorite biohackers, joining me today! Joel is very well-known in the health and fitness community! He is knowledgeable and passionate about science, and he has some fresh and distinctive notions about the gut microbiome and weight loss.
Joel is the author of The Immunity Code. He has figured out different ways for us to focus on our gut microbiome and immune function while targeting specific pathways in the body that could amplify our results for body composition and various other things.